

Install from PyPI:

$ pip install django-relatives

Linking to foreign keys

The contents_or_fk_link template filter can be used to link to foreign keys for readonly admin form fields.

Django Relatives also provides a replacement for the admin/includes/fieldset.html template which can be used to automatically link to all readonly foreign key fields in change forms.

To use the custom fieldset template you must add relatives to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file:


Next create a admin/includes/fieldset.html template file:

{% include "relatives/includes/fieldset.html" %}

Also make sure this template file is in a custom template directory or an app listed before your admin app in INSTALLED_APPS.



Linking to reverse relations

The related_objects template tag makes it easy to link to change lists filtered for reverse relations (objects that have a foreign key to a given object).

Django Relatives also provides a custom change_form.html template that may be used to add a “Relations” sidebar to change forms. This sidebar provides links to change list queries for all objects that contain a foreign key to the current object.

To use the custom fieldset template you must add relatives to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings file:


Now you can customize the change form template for your desired models/apps. Either:

  1. Set the change_form_template in your custom model admin
  2. Override your model’s change_form.html template

Customize ModelAdmin

The easiest way to link to reverse relations is to override the change_form_template in your ModelAdmin subclass:

from django.contrib import admin

from models import Company, Employee

class CompanyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    change_form_template = 'relatives/change_form.html', CompanyAdmin)

Custom template

If you don’t have access to change the ModelAdmin for your model or you are already customizing your model’s admin change form, you will need to use a custom admin template.

Create a admin/YOURAPP/YOURMODEL/change_form.html template file that extends from relatives/change_form.html:

{% include "relatives/change_form.html" %}

Also make sure this template file is in a custom template directory or an app listed before your admin app in INSTALLED_APPS.


Both of the above methods will result in the following:


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